
ShahlaaSri-Lanka, Trip Planner

Ever since she was a baby, she has been travelling around the miracle island of Sri Lanka with her family. At the age of 22, she had covered virtually every part of the island from hiking up to the glorious mountains, to scuba diving the shipwrecks in Colombo, to learning meditation from forest monks. According to her, the range of experiences you can have in this tiny island is vast making it a bite sized utopia! As a child, she had always thought of entrepreneurs to be like magicians due to their amazing ability to create something from virtually nothing. As a result, Shahlaa combined her passion for entrepreneurship with her passion for traveling by starting a company the age of 23. According to her entering the world of entrepreneurship allowed her to feel empowered and more in control of her life and made her realise that the key to a fulfilling career lies in not how much money you make, but how passionate you are about the work you are doing and how well you nurture this passion.

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