Pahela Baishakh or Pohela Boishakh, Bengali New Year’s Day is a national festival in Bangladesh, It has colorful events in towns and villages all over the country. The New Year 14 April is a public holiday. The most eye-catching event in Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh that spreads throughout the day, takes place at Ramna Park. Students related to the Fine Art Institute of Dhaka University organize colorful shows where paper-made animals and masks figure flagrantly. Tournaments, boat races, and other forms of celebration take place surrounded by great delight. Many fairs are held in Dhaka and other towns and villages.
New Year’s Day is the most celebrated. The Pahela Baisakh festival is marked by a wide variety of cultural shows and other programs. People of Bangladesh eat sweets and dress up in national dress like Kurtha and Saris, wishing everyone a joyous new beginning.