Nepal Bhutan Myanmar (Burma) Tour

19 Days Exclusive & Personalized Journey

5 - Excellent

Nepal Bhutan Myanmar (Burma) Tour - 19 Days

Experience Buddhist culture, heritage & jungle safari and views of amazing Buddhist Pagodas

  • Visit of heritage sites in Kathmandu
  • Local-life and unique culture at Kathmandu
  • Exploration of wildlife with elephant safari in Chitwan National Park
  • View of lakes, Caves and Himalayan range with sunrise/sunset from Pokhara
  • Fascinating view of Paro, Thimphu and steep valleys in Bhutan.
  • Hiking to Takstang Monastery (Tiger’s Nest)
  • View of most famous Buddhist Pagodas in Bagan.
  • Boating at Inle Lake and view of floating houses, markets and vegetable farms.
  • Visit of local villages and their life style in Myanmar.
  • Nepal: 7 Nights in Kathmandu with Kathmandu Durbar Square, Pashupatinath, Boudha stupa, Swoyambhunath, Elephant Safari in Chitwan and Mountain views with sunrise/sunset at Pokhara.
  • Bhutan: 4 Nights in Bhutan with a hike to Taktsang Monastery (Tiger's Nest), Paro, Thimphu and Punakha with local life style.
  • Myanmar: 7 Nights in Burma with Shwedagon Pagoda at Yangon, Buddhist Pagodas in Bagan and view of floating houses in Inle Lake.

If you are an avid traveler seeking culture and adventure within three of the world’s most beautiful countries, read on. The Nepal Bhutan Myanmar (Burma) Tour provides both of these in abundance. The serene natural beauty all three counties provide, only go to compliment in 2 to 3 wonderful weeks.

Begin in Nepal, to discover the unique fabric of life amongst the pure beauty of The Kathmandu Valley. Visit the ancient and ornate temple squares of Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur, each listed as a World Heritage Site. Pay homage at the deeply religious Buddhist and Hindu pilgrim places Pashaputinath, Bouddanath and Swayambunath.

The following days in Nepal showcase the natural beauty the country is so admired for. We spend two fantastic days on Safari in Chitwan National Park, searching for tiger on elephant back. Finally relax in the beautiful lake city of Pokhara, to simply admire what is arguably the grandest mountain backdrop in the world.

Move on to the last Shangri La of Bhutan, it begins with a superb Himalayan flight into the heart of BhutanWe stay in Thimphu, Bhutan’s tiny capital. The following days include visits to Memorial Chorten, National Textile Museum, National Institute of Arts and Crafts, and the National Library. There are also excursions to Punakha via DochuLa Pass and the famous Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest) monastery sitting precariously on the edge of a cliff.

The third leg of the Nepal Bhutan Myanmar (Burma) Tour begins with a flight to Yangon via Bangkok.  Carefully planned days provide you with the very best of Myanmar has to offer. Known as the “Garden of the East“, the elegance and sheer beauty of this country shines through from day one.  Visit the major tourist pilgrimage sites in the country. Yangon for the ornate pagodas including Shwedagon and colorful street markets, Bagan with its 3000 ancient temples spread over lush green plains. Finally, no journey to Myanmar would ever be complete without a visit to the Inle Lake; to relax within its pristine surroundings.


Cost & Inclusion

Our primary focus is on delivering quality service, leveraging our unparalleled local expertise and our commitment to providing bonus experiences for our clients. As operators with a proven track record of delivering exquisite services for over a decade, we prioritize quality above all else.

The cost of each trip package may vary depending on factors such as hotel category, tour duration, travel season, routes, and activities. You have the option to customize your package to create your ideal itinerary, which may differ from cheaper deals elsewhere. Rest assured, we will ensure that your visit with Asia Experiences is worth every moment.

Ready to plan your tour? Please share your tour plan and interested countries by clicking on the links below for 'Ask to Expert' or 'Customize Trip'. This will enable us to provide you with a tailored quote based on your requirements.

  • Airport pickups and drops service.
  • Private ground transportation with A/C.
  • Twin-sharing hotel accommodation.
  • Local cultural tour guide with English speaking.
  • Sightseeing entrance fees for museums and monuments.
  • Breakfast in Nepal.
  • Airport pickups and drops service.
  • Private ground transportation with A/C.
  • Twin-sharing hotel accommodation.
  • Local cultural tour guide with English speaking.
  • Sightseeing entrance fees for museums and monuments.
  • Full meals in Bhutan.
  • Processing Travel Permit and Entry Visa.
  • Airport pickups and drops service.
  • Private ground transportation with A/C.
  • Twin-sharing hotel accommodation.
  • Local cultural tour guide with English speaking.
  • Sightseeing entrance fees for museums and monuments.
  • Breakfast in Myanmar.


5 - Excellent Based on 3 Reviews Tripadvisor

bangladesh tour


Breathtaking and amazing experience – Nepal Bhutan & Myanmar Trip

Breathtaking and amazing experience - Nepal Bhutan & Myanmar Trip. I will recommend this travel agency since was everything OK, on time, wonderful service always with the best tourist guides and accommodation. They became my friends.


United States

Excellent Travel Agency, Trustworthy and experienced

I traveled to Myanmar, Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal in my recent vacations and I did it with the help of Asia Experiences. The hotels and Transportation facilities were top notches, and the Itinerary was flawless too. My guides were skilled and well-trained. I was able to enjoy my vacation without any complications. As a solo traveler, I even had a personal guide of my own in all these destinations in optimum prices. The souvenir shopping spots were also awesome, and I had a great time shopping the garments and artifacts. I had a great time thanks to Asia Experiences and especially Mr. Umesh who coordinated this whole journey smoothly and effectively. I will revisit these countries with my friends and share them my memories from this time all thanks to Asia experiences.


United States

Smooth handling of the itinerary

With so many places to see and experience in these countries, I was in doubt that if the company could catch up to it. You know how people say 'leave it to the professionals' well they did it and in some fashion. We had plenty of time in every destination and we could even extend that over the itinerary time too. The guide was completely experienced and knew when it was time to push. Another thing I admired about Asia Experience and especially Mr. Umesh is that he checked and communicated with us and the guide all over the trip. The guides didn't hesitate to explain to me twice when it came to the safety and norms of some of the destinations. I will suggest this travel company if you want to experience the countries in their authentic form.

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