
The top 10 best place to visit in Bhutan

31 Dec 2018 Asia Experiences

Bhutan, (The Land of the Thunder Dragon) is the small Buddhist Kingdom. It lies in the eastern Himalayas in between China (Tibet) and India. It is a landlocked country in South...

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Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour – Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan & India

What are the best reasons to visit Nepal ?

7 Aug 2018 Asia Experiences

What are The best reasons to visit Nepal? Nepal has been unfairly forgotten for decades by many travelers. It’s surrounded by giant countries like India and China, and some people...

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Why Traveller’s are Ready To Pay USD 200-250 a Day in Bhutan?

19 Nov 2017 Asia Experiences

Updated 06/12/2022 Bhutan revamped its Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). It means it removed its Minimum Daily Package Rate (MDPR) permanently. As per new SDF implementation, now travelers must pay the...

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